thought of the day

Sunday, May 29, 2011


别人说  吃了巧克力会变的快乐 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

it's been a while huh?

i cant really remember when was the last time i blogged ( what i meant by blogging was writing a post which has more than  6 sentences, unlike my previous one lol )

and i couldn't really hip up myself to write -oh-jolly-happy article, well because my life is kinda boring?
studying, having tuition classes, going for tuition...... wow. what a life -.-

anyway, today puan niu asked us bout how will we describe the life of form six, then i said

'' Painful, but it's worth it. ''

personally, i think i sounded cool at the moment HAHAHHAA.
please dont hate me for being like this LOL

where was i again? oh ya, the quote.
hmmmm, it really did tell everything bout my life.
painful, but the fruit of labour is good enough to be the painkiller .

i just hope i wont breakdown in the process towards victory, u know i dont have that much of patience to wait for the flower to bloom.

okay i sounded very serious =.= sorry, that's what i became when the clock hit 1 in the morning
and im very hungry right now wtf, skipped my dinner cos i was rushing for tuition and didn't eat anything afterwards. maybe i should take few sips of drink, that wont be fattening right?  * hypnotizes myself @@*

 before ending the freaking boring post,

''The scars you can't see are the hardest to heal. ''

Thursday, April 14, 2011

我不会让历史重演 :)

not gonna repeat the same mistake that i made, putting so much hope and expectation on something that u cant even feel it with your bare hands.

let's just see where faith brings me to :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


i dont feel like blogging anymore, the enthusiasm for it has gonemaybe it will come back soon, but seriously it's not here now

anyway i was very disturbed by something.
god know what it is.
i've tried, but then, haix

suan le ba,i dont even wanna think bout it. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

u dont even understand

u dont even understand how stressed i am, about the competition and my result
i have to stay back until 6, and had to go for tuition.
and the only day im free in the week is sunday, but now it's even pack with my training schedule

both of u dont even know any of this, and still u 2 are nagging bout my result, asking me to study harder
u think i like to fail in my exam? u think i like to get fucking b's for my test?
for god sake i dont.
the thing is it's not that i dont want to study, i dont have time now,not until i finish my competition.

u 2 are not even around when i did my homework
both of u are working , and what ?
u expect me to inform u that im studying only when u're around?
please , dont make me laugh.

u're not me, and u never put yourself in my shoes, that's why u never really knew how exhausted i am in the past few months
seriously, my home is the only place that i can relax and take a break,
but now, i just dont feel like being here, especially when u're around.

dont tell me that my academics are important, i know
and i know as a student, my one and only responsibility is to get a good result,study hard and find a good job.
i've already try my best to strive as hard as i can, but truth is,
im dy torn apart between commitments and fullfillments.

i thought of telling u that i cried for the whole day because i failed my physics
but i didn't because i didn't want u to worry bout me
and now, u're blaming me for not working hard enough
i felt so helpless , u know?

u 2 should be glad that im independent to handle everything by myself, not even uttering a word bout things that happened in my school life
im not the mama's girl that had to be spoon-fed with pleasures
and i never demand anything more than spending some quality time with me
and by the way, that seldom happen, we only had so-called family day few times in a year

all the tears that i've left on here, reminded me how disappointing i was at both of you
u never knew how your daughter's life like
and the saddest thing is,

you dont even bother to ask.

Thursday, January 20, 2011



我在拼  什麼  在意什麼最多
為了什麼 又累 又寂寞

Saturday, January 8, 2011

kl malacca trip - part 2

2nd stop - kl!
we reached bukit jalil stadium around 2 pm
and omg, there're lots of people gathering there
and later that day i found out that it's the football match between malaysia and indonesia that everybody is raving about
* not to mention vendors are selling the vuvuzela-lookalikes everywhere. i almost gone deaf when they blow the freaking annoying thing -.- *

after settling down in our hotel room, we had lunch at bar-b-q plaza!
it's the 1st time for us and we've already fell in love with it!!
we ended up going there again on the last day lol

 the picture that ne ne moo said i look like angelina jolie
LOL, personally, i think she would cry if she heard this hahahaha
but thanks for the compliment ne :X

 loves! <3

haha agung is so excited bout eating cos he's been hungry for the whole morning xD

then we went shopping! my favourite past time :X
i spent the most at pavillion  * we actually went there 3 times in the 3 days and we're not even complaining! *
but didn't buy much at times square
idk why maybe the crowd and all the lalas turned me off -.- 
anyway, picture time!
u wont see me in any of the pictures at pavilion cos i kinda abandoned the camera and left it to them while i went shopping :X

 decos at pavilion!

hmm when im walking around there it kinda brings back the memories 
something like walking down the memory lane? LOL
anyway, it just amazes me how time changes everything
glad that i turned out fine :)

the xmas tree at fahrenheit 88
i was very excited bout goin to uniqlo there but sadly, it's disappointing :(
the winter line is totally irrelevant with malaysia's weather zzz

lunch at sushi zanmai!
highly recommended on this!
 it has cheap and nice food :D

 candid shot.
idk why i pouted my lips -.-

 the ice cream that everyone wants to grab a bite!

later that night we had a little snacking session. bought some titbits and some alcoholic drinks
agung went a little hyperactive after drinking
he was so talkative and kept asking us bout those random questions
hahaha we made fun of him the next day but he just wont admit it! LOL
 all things that made me fat fml

 when he was sober HAHA

then we went home the next day.
total damage for the trip : all the cash i had on my hand
wtf. i need to save seriously, especially if i want to buy the itouch
maybe i'll get it for my birthday perhaps? * hint hint :X*

really hope we can have this kind of trip again !!
it'll be much more fun if all of us went the trip together :))